Our company has of course its own thorn in the flesh - there's always at least one in each property (we use the term property instead of branch).
Here in the mothership, as we term it, we have this annoying Judas we'll just hide under the name of Judas-A (convenient, eh?). Judas-A has been plaguing the company with nonsense decisions made half-heartedly. The most recent incident is when an old lady accidentally tripped over the staircase step and rolled all the way down about 3-4 steps more to the landing. Fortunately for her, her husband is a lawyer - they went after our company for the hospital bills. As of latest tally, we have already paid about $2,300 if converted to USD. Judas-A, in my opinion, didn't actually think about the company before he got convinced that we should be paying for the bills. It wasn't really our fault that she tripped and I'm not saying also that it was purely her fault (although it could be, if Judas-A just initiated a formal and thorough investigation of the incident), it was just that she was still inside the premises. And Judas-A was just "concerned" enough about the lady's "health" instead of the company's financial position and actual legal liability that he said yes right after a few verbal threats of getting sued or getting a bad rep.
Our other property also has Judas-B. Judas-B, on the other hand, has a stranger principle in life - thinking right, but doing it all wrong. He thinks the company should not get items from suppliers with high prices and/or low quality products - which is good, great if you come to think of it - right? But what if he deliberately disobeys company policy and commits noncompliance with SOP because he says "We don't want that, it's too high /quality's not satisfactory?" and at the same time, not taking note of the supplier and the quoted prices on his canvassing sheet?* Darn weird eh?
*Note that procedures say that there should at least be three canvassed suppliers, all noted in the canvassing sheet, whether or not the purchase will be awarded to any one of them.
That's just two of our Judas-es. If we include the others, and if this company would have been Jesus, He would have been crucified a thousand times. Over and over again, everyday, for the rest of the life of this planet.
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