I was invited to join the family outing at the very early hour of 5 am, and good thing was that I was already awake when the message came in. Hmm, I packed my bag and raced to my ex's family's house eager also to give my cute "adopted" niece her ring (she really liked my pinkie ring, but it's just big on her finger so I promised her I'd buy her one and she remembered! My goodness, the memory of kids these days!)
And, believe it or not, as soon as EJ (the cute baby girl) was awake and saw me there in their living room, she immediately gestured her forefinger reminding me of the ring. Such an angel. :) She really liked it that she almost won't put her hand down!
So I rode with EJ's family on the van and was in a really good mood I was determined that nothing will ruin my mood for the rest of the day. Good enough, nothing really did burst my bubble that day. It was all pleasant, even the conversations with Timothy, EJ's big brother, we talked about things like Resident Evil, huge squids, the Bermuda Triangle, and weird sharks. Cool topics to talk about, huh?
At the beach, I spent time bonding with EJ's Mom and her family, also with my ex's brothers and their partners, also with his cousins. Pong and his siblings are just the guys you'd wanna talk to if you wanna hear mind-boggling questions and logic tricks. We talked and talked and ate and swam (as if I knew how...).
After that, we went to Dalaguete to go and see some of their former neighbors, and fortunately they did see some, about 3 of 'em. Hehe! While waiting for them finish hunting for shells I spent more time with EJ and even took some pictures. I'm still thinking whether I'd post 'em here because those pics would surely make you identify me... hmmmm... let's see... the heck, I'll post the pictures. :)

here's EJ, posing for the cam while wearing a pair of sunglasses...

ssshhh!!! Don't tell anyone, ok? :)

EJ and me...
To make the long day shorter, we went home at about 6 pm and after dinner went to my place to get a table I wasn't using anymore because it just couldn't fit in my room and gave it to my ex's older brother (they're newlyweds, so they really need these things! :>). And after that, just about 9.30pm we went to makro where the newlyweds thought they may be able to buy a dish organizer, but they just weren't able to do so because it all went out of stock! It was just 11pm when I arrived home, sent a few messages to a friend who kept checking on me the whole day and informed him I was already home, so no need to worry. And then, peaceful sleep. I was so bummed I fell asleep as soon as I laid down.
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