Monday, October 8, 2007

Questions & Honest Answers

1. How are you feeling today?- quirky

2. Where did you go today?- from my room straight to the office

3. Who do you miss badly?- i miss my family, it's been quite a while since I've been with them

4. What are you doing right now?- answering this survey, obviously

5. Honestly, are you a racist?- no

6. Do you like rock/hardcore music?- there are times when I just like to hear such things

7. What's your hobby?- writing

8. Where do you wanna go right now?- home, and sleep

9. What do you see life as?- as a never-ending journey to something that you really can't define what.

10. If you could do anything that's without punishment, what would you do?- launder money

11. Do you follow the law?- not all of them, i mean, all that's applicable, I follow.

12. Are you considered as a happy person?- I should hope so

13. Where are your parents?- they're in the province, working their tails out also.

14. Do you smoke alot?- not really

15. Do you drink alot?- no, i rarely drink

16 . What do you think about?- answers to questions that I cannot imagine posting here in my blog

17. Do you still watch Barney?- no, i never liked barney

18. Anyone who has inspired you in anyways?- actually, there are a lot of them, and if i begin mentioning names, i might forget some and end up having them wondering if they really mattered.

19. Do you like being in school?- right now, i'd rather be in school. hehe

20. Are you anti-social?- not really

21. Do you trust your friends easily?- yep, i think so. they won't be considered my friends if i don't

23 . What's on your mind right noW?- my atm card that i left in someone else's wallet..hehe, forgot to get it back

24. Rain, sun or windy?- rainy

26. What's your sister doing?- i don't have one

27. Ever been to a dog show?- nope, i'd like to be

28. Do you eat pork?- yep

29. Ever gotten Dengue Fever?- nope. hopefully won't

30. If you can have 1 super power,what would it be?- telekinesis

31 . Where do you study? And do you like it?- i used to go to usc. yep, i liked it while it lasted

32. Anything that's bothering youright now?- ummmm, yeah, there's something. i won't tell what it is

33. Ocean, sea, river or swimming pool?- ocean, at least i'd float easily

34. Have you ever been to UK?- nope..

35. What surprises you?- small things that i really don't expect

36. What time is it now? - 10:41am

37. Are you home-sick?- not really

38. Do you wanna go out and shop?- if i have the money, why not?

39. What do you hate the most?- distrust

40. Remember the past?- yeah. i have this uncanny ability to remember things i should forget. the more i think that i should be forgetting, the more i remember the vivid details. ugh.

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