Saturday, July 4, 2009

Unity Coins, Arrhae, Gold & Silver

We were so busy preparing for other important and bigger detail of the wedding that somehow I've overlooked some accessories like the arrhae or "arras" in Filipino.

These are coins that are given by the groom to the bride during the ceremony to symbolize the commitment of the groom to be the provider of the family, especially int the financial meaning of the word "provider".

Now, think I'll be browsing the net and the local thrift stores for coins, gold or not. And so far, I've stumbled upon this site, maybe totally relevant or irrelevant to arrhaes and all -

At, you can buy gold coins, whether antique or not, and even bullions! I just wish my money in Mafia Wars in Facebook can be converted into real currency and buy me a few of those gold bars.... yikes!

Anyway, have to scour the bridal stores now to find me my arrhae.

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