Friday, August 8, 2014

Can I lose 12-17 Pounds with JUST Water?!?

6-day Water Fast (photo from

17 pounds gone (for that guy) BUT after migraines/headaches, irritation/angst, hunger, and for me, probably working while hungry while everyone else at work, and at home, is eating something that smells really very good and eats so very slowly just to annoy you... Can 6 days with absolutely nothing but water be worth it?

6-day Water Fast (photo from

I have no idea.

But it sure does make you curious doesn't it? -_-

It will take me more than the promise of 10+ pounds loss to get me to try it!

Hi, Still Alive. How’re you?

 So I decided to visit my blog. Just because. And of course, since I didn’t delete it, it’s still here. Stagnant. Just observing. Doing noth...