Monday, April 23, 2007

SMILE (a poem)

Smile, even if your tears are falling
Even in the midst of trials and adversities

Smile, even if your heart is breaking
Even in the midst of the pain of loss and grief

Smile, even if you’re feeling lonely
Even if one is lost, more will be found

Smile, there are people
Waiting for you to just talk
To say how you feel
Waiting for you to cry on their shoulders
And just let out the tears.

Smile, there are people
Waiting for you to tell them
That you need them
That you miss them
That you’re broken

Smile, there are people
Who, even if they stay away
Will always be near you
Always watching even if not seen
Always listening, hearing, but not talking

Smile, there will always be more
Tears, Laughter
Feelings, thoughts
People, experiences
Friends, foes

Smile, even if your tears are falling
Even if one is lost
There will be a time
The lost will be found
The covered uncovered
The left come back to

Smile, even if your heart is breaking
Broken pieces will be replaced
Wounds will be healed
Scars will be gone

Smile, amidst the sadness
The end of one will be
The beginning of another
From friend to lover
Lover to friend

Smile, I am here.
Even if unnoticed
Even if unseen
Even if unfelt.
Smile, I am here.

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