I found that post in Allen's blog, and as I read through, I noticed that he gave the link to http://draft.blogger.com, so i tried clicking on it and eventually finished reading his blog post.
Curious as I sometimes become, I tried logging in to the no-the-draft-blogger.com (meaning this one) and found the same thing applicable. So to my fellow blogspot users, this post options thing is located on the left side of your "create a new post" page, in line with the area where you choose the labels you'd like to attach to your post. Clicking on it will reveal a drop down thing which allows you to choose whether to allow reader comments, backlinks, and the date and time when you'd like your post to be published.
So there, hope some of us who don't fuss too much about post scheduling learn something from this... really helpful too.

Hey, thanks for visiting my site.. do visit my other site too, brainloops.blogspot.com and hope we can xlinks.. thanks again..