They're featuring a province close to my heart (it's were my family's based right now), so I think everybody should get a good look at it! That's where Ipil belongs. You've heard of Ipil, right? Ipil Massacre of 1995? Yeah, I was there, I mean THERE. Our house got burned during that ill-fated day. Even saw the "Abu Sayaff" people who burned our darn house. I was like 10 years old back then, but I still remember quite vividly.
Anyway, if you all want to see how our province has risen from the ruins and developed itself into a paradise, well you've got to see this show. It's Trip na Trip, airing in ABSCBN tonight, Friday, February 29 at about 11:30pm... Don't forget. We'' have oral recitation about it, ok?
Just kidding.

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